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According to an FBI affidavit, Allen in a 2020 interview lied to the bureau about the nature of his work and failed to turn over 'incriminating' emails to investigators, including one where he asked for a 'speakers fee' to meet with Qatari officials to discuss their strategy to influence the Trump administration.Īccording to the FBI affidavit, investigators have 'substantial evidence' that Allen and his colleagues intentionally violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, a law that requires lobbyists to disclose their work for foreign governments.īrookings announced Wednesday that it had placed Allen on administrative leave. Allen, a retired four-star general, in 2017 allegedly lobbied the Trump White House and Congress on behalf of Qatar, an oil-rich Middle Eastern country that has been accused of sponsoring terrorist groups. Allen, according to documents released Tuesday.

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The FBI is investigating the president of the Brookings Institution for secretly lobbying for the government of Qatar, court documents show.įBI agents last month executed a search warrant for the email account of John R.

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